Mactown Kids Competition


Workout 1

‘Mini Cindy’

10:00 AMRAP

5 Ring Rows

10 Push ups

15 Air squats

*Standards: For all ages with ring rows, The lowest part of the ring has to be adjusted to sternum height (lowest part of your chest-bone). Mark a tape on the vertical plane of the bar/spot where the rings are hanging on. During the movement, the athlete’s heels are completely placed over the taped area. The athlete holds the rings in full grip and is extended in the knees, hips and elbows. The rep is counted when the athlete touches the chest with the back of his thumbs or a part of the rings and when the knees, hips and elbows remain fully extended. For push ups all ages, the chest must clearly touch the ground, and the athlete must extend their arms, full range, at the top of each repetition. For all ages with air squats, the athlete the hip crease needs to be clearly lower than the top of the knee in the bottom position. The athlete must show full extension of the hips and knees at the top of each repetition.* Score for this workout will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 10:00 window!

Workout 2


Burpees over the bar

Tire flips

Athlete will perform 21 burpees over the bar, 21 tires flips, 15 burpees over the bar, 15 tires flips, 9 burpees over the bar, 9 tire flips. The total time to complete the workout will be that athletes score!

Standards: burpees is performed with chest and thighs touching the ground, jumping or stepping up is permitted. The athlete needs to clear the bar without touching it! They may jump or step over it. Athlete does not need to face the bar at the beginning of every rep.

Workout 3

For time:

100 jump ropes/plate hops

40 DB Shoulder to overhead

20 Cal row

15 Kettlebell swings

10 Sit ups

*Standards: Ages 5-7 will perform plate hops where they will have to jump or step down and up a #10 plate, ages 8-9 and 10-12 will perform jump ropes where the rope must pass through their line of body for 1 complete repetition. After the athletes complete their plate hops or jump ropes, they will advance to the dumbbell (#5 for ages 5-7, #15/10 for ages 8-9, #20/15 for ages 10-12. The athlete will be required to touch one head of the dumbbell to their shoulder and show full extension of the arm with the dumbbell overhead for each repetition to count. The athletes will then advance to the rower, where they will perform 20 calories. The athletes will be required to stay on the rower until the 20 calories are completed. After the row, they will advance to kettlebell swings #8 for ages 5-7, #15/10 for ages 8-9, and #26/20 for ages 10-12. The bell should pass just below the groin, extend to eye level for each repetition to count. The athletes will them advance to full range sit ups, lying on the ground. For all ages, the athletes will be required to touch the ground overhead, and sit all the way up, touching their feet for the repetition to count. The total time for completing this workout will be the athletes score!